Security Measures Used by Casinos to Protect Their Patrons


Modern casinos are like indoor amusement parks for adults, with the vast majority of the entertainment and profits (for the owners) coming from gambling. Musical shows, lighted fountains, shopping centers, elaborate hotels and themed restaurants all help draw in the customers, but without games of chance, casinos would not exist. Slot machines, blackjack, roulette, craps, keno and other games of chance generate the billions in profits that casinos pull in every year.

Casinos depend on their patrons to keep them in business, and they strive to make gambling as enjoyable as possible. They offer free spectacular entertainment, reduced-fare transportation and accommodations, cheap buffets and other perks to encourage patrons to gamble. Casinos are mathematically assured of gross profit, and it is extremely rare for them to lose money on a single day’s betting.

Something about the nature of gambling encourages people to cheat, steal and otherwise try to game the system. This has resulted in a major effort by casinos to create secure environments for their patrons. Casinos use high-tech equipment to monitor the games and protect their customers. For example, many casinos have electronic systems that allow them to track the precise amounts being wagered minute-by-minute; some roulette wheels are electronically monitored to discover quickly any statistical deviation from their expected results; and cameras constantly monitor gaming tables for suspicious activities. Casinos also employ a variety of other security measures, including routinely checking players’ IDs. They employ staff that are trained to spot suspicious behavior, and they work hard to ensure that patrons are not using fake identification or credit cards.